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Armed with the Word of God, this visionary is determined to make his mark for the Kingdom of God. He has a tremendous anointing on his life to meet people where they are regardless of their background.

He has been known to be a creative innovator, challenging the notions of tradition by focusing on relevancy rather than routine and doing kingdom business in a new vision way. He has a bold and candid delivery of the Word of God and a willingness to talk about the tough subjects left unaddressed by others.

Holy, humble, hungry and driven by his passion to give back and serve others, Pastor Marcus continues to press forward to help others break the chains holding back their possibilities.  With over 27 years in ministry and over 19 years in church leadership, he is well-respected among his colleagues, mentors and vision partners for his commitment to accuracy and holiness.

Dr. Howard has an undergraduate degree in Biblical Studies & Church Leadership and both Masters and  Doctorate Degrees in Christian Counseling with an emphasis on "Emotional Intelligence."  Pastor Marcus is a second-generation Pastor, who has sat under his father Dr. Delbert Howard and learned from countless biblical authorities for more than the 27 years he has preached, and he currently sits under the anointed Apostle Kevin Cunningham of Chicago, Il.  His theology is sound and based on the COMPLETE & TRUE WORD of GOD.  His methodology is not controlled by denomination or tradition, but is creative and “Out of the Box”.   Pastor Marcus is honored to be married to Pastor Angela Howard. Lady "A" is the Executive Pastor, Director of the  Women’s and Praise Ministries at NewLife!

Pastor Angela Howard has been ministering the WORD of GOD and effective leading beside Dr. Howard for more than 15 years now. Her ability to see and hear the moves and voice of GOD is remarkable!  Her ability to listen, direct, and empower women is outstanding, and her love for children and the ability to communicate the tough subjects on their level is absolutely phenomenal!


The two have a holistic marriage counseling curriculum that is paralleled by none! 

This is a couple you must meet for yourself!

 Dr. Marcus & Angela Howard 

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